There are Days 

There are days when the sun is shining and the birds are chirping. There are days when the rain is so thick I can’t see my hand in front of my face.

There are days full of laughter, hugs, and kisses. There are days full of frustrations, tears, and time-outs.


There are days when I can’t get enough of her little smile and her little laugh. There are days when all I want is to be alone in the quiet.

There are days when I can’t get her to her Children’t Day Out fast enough.There are days I miss every second she is gone.

There are days I don’t mind the scattered toys, Cheerios on the floors, and messy hands and face. There are days I could pull my hair out at all the same things.

There are days I love being a human jungle-gym. There are days I don’t want to be touched.


There are days where all we do is play and have fun. There are days where all I seem to say are, “no”, “don’t do that,” and “why don’t you listen to me?”

There are days when I can’t wait to hold her and rock her to sleep and I just smile at how perfect she is. And there are days when I cry while rocking for how frustrated and quick tempered I was with her.


But no matter how our day goes, she is right there ready and waiting for me to rock her to sleep at night and at my side of the bed early enough to go back to sleep cuddling for a bit in the morning. Because a child’s love is forgiving, unwavering, and unconditional. I wouldn’t trade her for the world and definitely don’t feel like I deserve to be her mama. And no matter how frustrated and annoyed I might get, one tilted little smile and a hug and everything is all better. . . . Until the next DammitD moment.


**I would like to say that the good days out number the bad days by far and not all our bad days are actually that bad. We have LOTS of in between days. So to anyone out there who stays home with a little one and feels hopeless and like a failure at times, we’ve all been there. We just don’t all talk about it.**